Rose under Fire is another powerful and compelling story by Elizabeth Wein. I was completely overwhelmed by her debut novel Code Name Verity and so was expecting no less from her here. Just like with Code Name Verity I found it extremely difficult to get into this story. But with Code Name Verity, once I got past the initial struggle I was hooked, however with Rose under Fire this was not the case. I hugely liked Rose’s character and her strength and her resilience that she displayed but I never felt myself invested in her story like I was with Maddie and Verity. These two brought out so many different emotions within me. Whereas I’m sad to say that despite bringing such a brilliant diverse range of characters, not one really shone through for me. However I did appreciate the comradeship that came through this book that despite coming from different places and pushed to the limits in many ways, these girls were a solid team with them doing everything to help each other out. Rose under Fire is a beautiful read you just have to read all the praising reviews to see this is the case. Being the mood reader I have lately become, I can only explain this being the reason for not enjoying this one more. This review can be found on The Readers Den